An exhibition of 20 Female Artists from Iceland and New York.
Whether the artist is working in the bustling urban jungle of New York City or in the raw and intense landscape of Iceland, their need is the same: to tell the story of their human experience through their textile art. Textiles often have a utilitarian purpose, and one of the concepts of this show points to the role of textiles in overconsumption, fast fashion, and waste. Materials and raw materials that would otherwise become discarded become the clay, the paint, and the pencil. Textiles, one of the oldest mediums on earth, have a history that is complex and serves as a powerful reflection of time itself.
The dynamic of the city of New York is similar to the dynamic of the natural forces in Iceland: Strong weather, intense weather, and constant changes in short times. When one looks at the Manhattan skyline from Brooklyn, it is a similar awe-inspiring experience to peering at a mountain range in Iceland. Each interlacement, fold, and layer, tell a story, like the Icelandic landscape and the New York cityscape.
Exhibiting Artists:
Sigi Ahl, #sigiahl
Fanny Allié, @fannyallie
Elodie Blanchard, @elodieblanchardstudio
Hildur Bjarnadottir, @hildurusa
Joy Curtis, @joycurtis
Ingunn Fjola Ingthorsdottir, @ingunnfjola
Ragna Froda, @frodadottir
Asta Gudmundsdottir, @astacreativeclothes
Ragnheidur Gudmundsdottir, @ragnheidur_art
Heidi Hankaniemi, @heidihankaniemi
Elana Herzog, @elanaherzog
Victoria Manganiello, @victoriamanganiello
Luam Melake, #luammelake
Jessie Mordine Young, @jessie_weaves
Maria Elena Pombo, @fragmentario_
Courtney Puckett, @courtneygpuckett
Anna Thora Karlsdottir, @annathorakarlsdottir
Thuridur Ros Sigurthorsdottir, @thuryros
Shoplifter, @shoplifterart
Janis Stemmermann, @janisstemmermann
Thorbjorg Thordardottir, @thorbjorgthordardottir